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Glossary V


The degree to which a test or assessment accurately measures what it is intended to measure.

  1. Understanding Accreditation in Hybrid Schools (Crucial)
  2. Grades vs Mastery: Hybrid School Evaluation (Explained)

Vertebral subluxation complex

  1. Decoding Hybrid Schools: Chiropractic Terminology Simplified

Veterinary medicine

The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries in animals.

  1. Veterinary Vs. Human Chiropractic (Career Path Clarified)
  2. Hybrid Chiropractic School: Animal Vs. Human Practice

Video conferencing

Online meetings or conferences conducted through video technology.

  1. Confusion Cleared: Electives in Hybrid Schools (Decoded)
  2. Chiropractic Education: On-Site Vs. Online (Hybrid School)
  3. Hybrid Schooling: Understanding Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  4. Blended vs Hybrid Learning: Key Differences (Simplified)
  5. Hybrid Learning: Flipped Classroom (Explained in Detail)
  6. Hybrid Schooling: Distance Learning vs E-Learning (Demystified)
  7. Hybrid Schooling: Online vs In-Person Sessions (Clarified)
  8. College Credits in High School: Hybrid Schools (Explained)
  9. Home-School vs Hybrid School: Clearing Confusions (Insightful)
  10. Hybrid Learning: Defining Instructional Coaches (Essential)
  11. Hybrid Learning: Semester vs Trimester System (Compared)
  12. Hybrid Learning: The Role of Tutoring (Clarified)
  13. Hybrid Schooling: Interdisciplinary Courses (What It Means)
  14. The Role of Counselors in Hybrid Schools (Insightful)
  15. Understanding Hybrid Schools: Full-Time vs Part-Time (Explained)

Video conferencing software

Programs or applications used to facilitate online video meetings or conferences.

  1. Hybrid Schooling: The Meaning of Cohorts (Deciphered)
  2. Hybrid Learning: Flipped Classroom (Explained in Detail)
  3. Hybrid Schools: Understanding Independent Study (Insightful)

Video marketing

  1. Choosing Chiropractic: Clinical Vs. Private Practice

Video presentations

Visual aids used to convey information or ideas through recorded video content.

  1. Hybrid Learning: Understanding Student-Led Conferences (SLC)

Virtual breakout rooms

Online rooms or spaces used for small group discussions or activities.

  1. Hybrid Schooling: The Meaning of Cohorts (Deciphered)
  2. Hybrid Learning: Understanding Student-Led Conferences (SLC)

Virtual classroom environment

The online environment in which virtual learning takes place.

  1. Hybrid Schooling: The Meaning of Cohorts (Deciphered)
  2. Choosing A Hybrid School: Synchronous vs Asynchronous (Decoded)

Virtual classroom management

Strategies and tools used to manage online classrooms or learning environments.

  1. Role of EdTech in Hybrid Schools (Interpreted)

Virtual classrooms

Online learning environments that simulate traditional classrooms and facilitate remote learning.

  1. Hybrid Schooling: Understanding Learning Management Systems (LMS)
  2. Understanding College Prep in Hybrid Schools (Essential)
  3. Confusion Cleared: Electives in Hybrid Schools (Decoded)
  4. Hybrid Schooling: Online vs In-Person Sessions (Clarified)
  5. Hybrid Schools: Self-Paced Learning (What It Means)
  6. Chiropractic Education: On-Site Vs. Online (Hybrid School)
  7. STEM vs STEAM in Hybrid Schools (Demystified)
  8. Understanding Hybrid Schools: Full-Time vs Part-Time (Explained)
  9. Exploring Hybrid Schools: Chiropractic Vs. Physical Therapy
  10. Hybrid Schooling: Distance Learning vs E-Learning (Demystified)
  11. Hybrid Learning: The Role of Tutoring (Clarified)
  12. Hybrid Schools: Full-Time Vs. Part-Time Chiropractic
  13. Hybrid School: Understanding Personalized Learning Plans (PLP)
  14. Hybrid School: Understanding Project-Based Learning (Deciphered)
  15. Choosing A Hybrid School: Synchronous vs Asynchronous (Decoded)
  16. Hybrid Schooling: The Meaning of Cohorts (Deciphered)
  17. Home-School vs Hybrid School: Clearing Confusions (Insightful)
  18. Hybrid School: Understanding Student-Centered Learning (Core)

Virtual classroom sessions

Online classes or lectures conducted through web-based platforms or software.

  1. Choosing A Hybrid School: Synchronous vs Asynchronous (Decoded)
  2. Hybrid Learning: Flipped Classroom (Explained in Detail)

Virtual collaboration

  1. Hybrid School: Understanding Student-Centered Learning (Core)

Virtual collaboration tools

Software or platforms that enable individuals or groups to work together remotely in real-time.

  1. Hybrid Schooling: Interdisciplinary Courses (What It Means)

Virtual communication tools

Digital tools that facilitate communication and collaboration between teachers, students, and parents.

  1. Hybrid Learning: Defining Instructional Coaches (Essential)

Virtual counseling

Online counseling services that provide mental health support and guidance.

  1. The Role of Counselors in Hybrid Schools (Insightful)

Virtual field trips

Online experiences that simulate real-life field trips.

  1. Hybrid Schooling: Interdisciplinary Courses (What It Means)
  2. Role of EdTech in Hybrid Schools (Interpreted)
  3. Choosing A Hybrid School: Synchronous vs Asynchronous (Decoded)
  4. Confusion Cleared: Electives in Hybrid Schools (Decoded)
  5. The Role of Learning Pods in Hybrid Schools (Clarified)

Virtual field trips and experiential learning opportunities

Online experiences that simulate real-life field trips or hands-on learning opportunities.

  1. The Role of Counselors in Hybrid Schools (Insightful)
  2. Role of EdTech in Hybrid Schools (Interpreted)

Virtual field trips or guest speakers

Online experiences that allow students to explore new places or learn from experts without leaving the classroom.

  1. Hybrid Schools: Understanding Independent Study (Insightful)

Virtual labs and simulations

Online simulations or virtual labs used for scientific or technical education.

  1. Hybrid Learning: Flipped Classroom (Explained in Detail)

Virtual learning

Education delivered through online platforms or software.

  1. Hybrid Schooling: The Meaning of Cohorts (Deciphered)
  2. Hybrid School: Understanding Student-Centered Learning (Core)
  3. Hybrid Schooling: Online vs In-Person Sessions (Clarified)
  4. Understanding Extracurriculars in Hybrid Schools (Detailed)
  5. Understanding Hybrid Schools: Full-Time vs Part-Time (Explained)

Virtual reality technology

Technology that creates a simulated environment for users to interact with.

  1. Hybrid Learning: Flipped Classroom (Explained in Detail)

Virtual reality (VR)

  1. Hybrid School: Understanding Student-Centered Learning (Core)
  2. Role of EdTech in Hybrid Schools (Interpreted)
  3. Exploring Hybrid Schools: Chiropractic Vs. Physical Therapy
  4. What are the best part-time law schools in Texas?
  5. STEM vs STEAM in Hybrid Schools (Demystified)
  6. What are some of the top MFT programs to consider when selecting a career path?

Virtual schools

Online schools or educational programs that offer virtual learning opportunities.

  1. Home-School vs Hybrid School: Clearing Confusions (Insightful)
  2. Hybrid Schooling: Flexible vs Fixed Schedules (Compared)

Virtual simulations

Computer-generated simulations that replicate real-life scenarios for training or educational purposes.

  1. Chiropractic Education: On-Site Vs. Online (Hybrid School)
  2. Confusion Cleared: Electives in Hybrid Schools (Decoded)
  3. Hybrid School Paths: Radiology Vs. Chiropractic
  4. Hybrid Schools: Full-Time Vs. Part-Time Chiropractic

Virtual socialization tools

Online platforms or applications used to facilitate social interaction and networking.

  1. Home-School vs Hybrid School: Clearing Confusions (Insightful)

Virtual tutoring and coaching

  1. Hybrid School: Understanding Student-Centered Learning (Core)

Virtual whiteboards

Online tools used to create and share digital whiteboards for collaboration.

  1. Blended vs Hybrid Learning: Key Differences (Simplified)

Virtual whiteboard tools

Online platforms that allow users to collaborate and share ideas on a digital whiteboard.

  1. Hybrid Learning: The Role of Tutoring (Clarified)

Visual aids

Tools or materials used to enhance visual learning, such as diagrams or charts.

  1. Role of EdTech in Hybrid Schools (Interpreted)
  2. Hybrid Schooling: The Meaning of Cohorts (Deciphered)
  3. Decoding Hybrid Schools: Chiropractic Terminology Simplified
  4. Hybrid Learning: The Role of Tutoring (Clarified)
  5. Hybrid Schools: Understanding Independent Study (Insightful)

Volunteering opportunities

Opportunities to work for free in a specific field or organization.

  1. Home-School vs Hybrid School: Clearing Confusions (Insightful)

Volunteer work

  1. What are the requirements for law schools in Texas to consider when choosing a career path?
  2. What are the benefits of enrolling in a healthcare academy?